Thursday, December 20, 2007

A wish for 2008: a brain exercise

‘Too busy, no time’, those are the words I’ve heard most in 2007. And which remedy can I present to this problem for 2008?
Until recently everyone assumed that all people, regardless of their language or culture, visualize the past as ‘behind’ and the future as ‘ahead’. This would be linked to the human physiology - the eyes are located in the front of our head - and our way of moving - forwards and not backwards.
The Aymara Indians of the Andes have another notion of time. They picture the future as behind their back and the past as ahead of them. Can you imagine? I think they ‘re less bothered by ‘time flies’ or ‘I’m too busy’ like that.
That’s why I wish you this brain exercise in 2008.

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