Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Jenni's little rosette

Also at the GIBTM fair in Abu Dhabi, I met some people who gave me a spontaneous feel. Among them was Megh Ale with his mini-pigtail, but you already knew that.
Because I'm keen on fresh dates - Abu Dhabi has the most delicious ones in the whole world - I dropped in on the most beautiful stand in the fair. Did you guess which one? The Abu Dhabi stand of course. By coincidence fair manager Paul Kennedy of Reed Exhibitions came walking outside like a sheik. I don't think he tasted the dates. And who treated me warmly to dates and tea there? A lady who always leaves a rejuvenating impression on me. How come? I don't know. Maybe it's that little purple rosette in her hair that keeps fascinating me. Or are the leaflets of the rosette well-camouflaged mini satellite dishes with which she receives messages and communicates? Because communicating is her profession. Jenni Beggs is communication manager at the Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA). If you would like to know more about the emirate Abu Dhabi, send her a quick e-mail.

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